Hayatilah lagu ini...
ku memohon dalam sujud ku padaMu
ampunkanlah segala dosa dalam diri
ku percaya Engkau bisa
meneguhkan pendirianku...keimananku
Engkau Satu Cinta
We all have constant conversations with ourselves.
The key to success is to make this internal dialogue work for you.
Lets use out internal dialogue to keep things in perspective.
Be positive but realistic.
I look up...
My tears roll slowly down my cheek...
I think about my better days..
And, i wonder if i can feel that feeling again...
At night,i lay and cry about the things that happened and how it will end..
I then realize it was....from ALLAH...
ALLAH knows....
I pray to Allah....
"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan mengatakan 'Kami telah beriman' sedangkan mereka belum lagi diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T. mengetahui orang yang benar dan orang yang dusta. "Surah Al-Ankabut: ayat 2-3.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind